Having been spotted at a Conya Doss show when she was invited to sing on stage in early 2011, Charlene has been a part of the MusicConnex family ever since. We have seen her grow and develop and we are so
excited to see her release her album titled 'Good Day' at the September showcase. We recently sat down with the talented young London born songstress to see what she had been up to since the last time we saw her.
CC: What have you been working on since we last saw you at the June MusicConnex showcase?

CC: What can we look forward to hearing from you at the September MusicConnex showcase?
C: Brand new
exclusive tracks from the album never played live before! I am so excited to
share them.
CC: Who are
your biggest influences music wise?
C: Jill Scott
is a huge one for me. My brother thankfully bought me her first album and I
have been in awe of her since that fist listen. There are literally no words
for how amazing she is. I saw her live in Brixton and she was just, well there
are no words. The level that she operates on is just out of this world.
CC: If you
could collaborate with any other artist dead or alive, who would if be and why?

CC: What’s the
best piece of advice you have been given?
C: Keep on
going, don't give up doing what you love and be yourself.
CC: What
advice would you give to aspiring singer/ songwriters?
C: I would
offer the same advice as above but add to it that it’s so important to have an
amazing team around you. There can be sharks in the industry but to have a
great team around you encouraging you and being there to see you through your
journey means so much. The people I have had around me have meant so much. Its
made a huge difference to me.
CC: What was
the last track you listened to?
C: Michael
Jackson 'PYT' was the last track. I’ve been playing that a lot lately. Its an
oldie but a goodie. Loving soca type rhythms at the moment and this track
called 'That Thing' by Atumpan is on heavy rotation.
CC: What’s
your preference: Download, cd, tape or Vinyl?
C: Download
because I get to take so much of my music collection with me everywhere. I’m
sure I should say Vinyl but it’s just not transportable.
CC: Describe
your perfect day?
C: Wake up, a
lovely sunny day, there would have to be food involved (laughs) go for brunch
with the girls, maybe go to the park after for a game of rounder’s, I'm pretty
active so I love to get outdoors. Followed by a gig somewhere in the evening
and some more food (laughs again). 
That sounds
like a pretty wonderful day to me!
We were lucky
enough to be given access to some promo tracks from the upcoming album ahead of her album release at the September showcase series and we
are so excited for you all to hear the material at the showcase. We pressed
play on the albums name sake 'Good Day' and it's a fantastic track. Very
summery and light. Bouncy and easy to listen to. 'It was my first kiss of the
day, sun literally kissed my body', I love that line. This is a classic feel
good track. You cannot help but feel happy and lifted from it. Charlene's voice
is so captivating and honey like.
Following this
track we heard 'Central Line' which is funky as all hell from the first beat.
It has this driving beat which gets your foot tapping immediately and draws you
into the story. The way that Charlene works the melody on top of the track is
perfect. This song feels like an ode to those old Motown tracks we would all
hear but it has its own more modern feel and energy.
If these two
tracks are even a small example of what is in store for us on this album then
this album is going to be amazing from start to finish. I for one will be
purchasing it as soon as I can.
See you all at
the showcase :)
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